Alone or together at fit20 Norwich Hellesdon

At fit20 you can choose to train individually or with a partner. We offer a limited number of solo memberships. Most people opt for the flex or duo memberships where you train with one other person. This allows you and your trainer to concentrate on your best performance. Fewer people around means more privacy and no distractions.

20 minutes of focus

If you are motivated by personal attention and support you will feel inspired at fit20. Your trainer is happy to assist you in any way needed and you will always get the personal attention you need to achieve your fitness goals.

Training with a partner

Many fit20 members really enjoy doing fit20 with a family member, friend, or work colleague. Training together helps to keep our members motivated and consistent. It is fun, economical, and also boosts healthy social connections.

Your trainer is there for you

At fit20 the trainers are fully focused on you and your training. They assist you every step of the way and help you stay motivated so you get the best results from each session. The studio is quiet and peaceful and there are no mirrors, music or others to distract you from your best efforts. Our members enjoy the privacy and tranquility and are motivated as they watch their progress to greater fitness.

Learn more about fit20