Train by appointment at fit20 Norwich Hellesdon

The big advantage of a weekly fit20 training appointment is that it helps you stay committed and consistent. Key aspects of any effective change strategy. Your fit20 appointment becomes part of your weekly routine. And on days when you may not feel like going, you go anyway because your trainer is expecting you. Over time, a good wellness habit forms.

Value for money / get your money’s worth

With fit20, you plan your session when it suits you best. That’s how your training becomes a convenient weekly routine. You can always reschedule your appointments if necessary so you can stick to your training consistency. This is how you get 100% value for your money with fit20. Weekly sessions build strength and health benefits over time, getting you the results you want.

Continuous positive change

Instead of getting discouraged because you’ve broken your fitness promise to yourself again, something quite different will happen at fit20. Our members stick to their weekly training routine, they feel better and keep going. By making it both convenient and highly effective, your fit20 training is a promise you can easily keep. Continuous positive change you can see and feel.

Results by appointment

We all know consistency matters a lot. Training by appointment is motivating. Because your trainer is expecting you, you are less likely to make excuses or let other things take priority over your wellness. When you go every week you build consistency and confidence. You are sticking to your plan and achieving your goals and that’s why it becomes easier to keep going. It becomes a healthy habit that is so rewarding because you can feel yourself becoming stronger, more fit and energetic.

Learn more about fit20